Quint blinked in surprise at the appearance of so many armed individuals in the war room. He was in no way ready to deal with them and he cursed his luck that they had arrived right where he was. Keeping his eyes on them, he quickly said, "Il'Tara, þurfum við að hlaupa. Farið upp þegar við erum út úr þessu herbergi, reyna að finna hjálp. Nú!"

The two of them burst into motion and raced for the door, taking advantage of the brief disorientation brought on by teleportation. As they neared the first branch in the corridor, Il'Tara yelled "Þú ferð til vinstri!"

Nodding, Quint peeled off to the left while Il'Tara headed right.

For those who understand Ignan:
"Il'Tara, we need to run. Split up when we're out of this room, try to find help. Now!"
"You go left!"

Quint and Il'Tara are going to run from the room and into the corridor beyond, I'm not sure how far they'll get but Quint will head left as soon as he is able whilst Il'Tara will head right. Both are looking for help.