Space, Not to long ago

Erik teleported several meters down out of the way of the bolt, and had an idea (Even as his memory began subtly rewriting to incorperate information).

"Perhaps we need to land the blade inside of him durring a teleportation."
'Well let's take him somewhere physics doesn't quite work."
'No. No. And physics isn't working to well at the moment.'
'I like crazy but.'
'Nope, perfect Idea. Alerting Morc.'
'You can't be serious...'
'I can and I am.'
"Morcleon, get everyone to absent themselves from about 5m away from our buddy. I'm going to try some removilist work where my powers should work better."

Space, NOW!

Dark invocations currupted even further from their origens and perverted through strange magics where held in the palm of Erik's hand, as he deep in concentration planned his landing between what where once evasive, but now are just-in-case.

Erik thinks at Connor, and Eldrad sneds the thooughts his way.
'Mind moving away from him for like, 10 seconds, a fair bit away. I'm about to trans-dimensional this battle in a way that should well and truely end it.

Erik then stops teleporting, and begins flying down towards Jack, as he is currently above and behind him.