The two companions run at full tilt through the corridors of the Horn. Quint finds himself in the Fane of the Three-Eyed Prince, where the statue of Vetra-Kali stares ominously down at him. There is, unfortunately, no one here at present... and no way out of the room save back the way he came, or into the concealed treasure chamber off to one side.

Il'Tara, having headed right, manages to make it to the end of the corridor. Remembering that Hal has taken up residence in one particular room, she opens the door and finds both him and Val inside with their retinue of undead. The Ifrit does not get a chance to explain, but fortunately, she does not need to. Father Mattias Harkon's voice echoes through the upper level.

"Brothers! Slay the heathens! In Mitra's name!"

His voice is very distinctive. Hal and Van are never likely to forget it.

And rolling some initiatives. I'm actually going to do this IRL so I don't need to screw around with the dice roller on here. See the OoC thread shortly for the overall initiative order.