Advanced Vampony Fracas

[Sandy/Rainbow/Miss M with a bonus Daniel on their way]

" seems I can't give you your toys back..."
Miss M said with a deadpan.


Gearstride picked up the stake used to kill the other vampony and followed after Silverpine.


"They had also been my friends," The vampony said quietly and void of expression as he continued to stomp on the 'Miss Sigh' taking no enjoyment from it all.

Zippity Do heard Daniel's bones crackle but showed no reaction to it. It was his doing if he severely injured himself for realsies having had declined her offer to fix him up. She walked back over to the mending Honor Guard as the other vamponies there stepped aside, and gave him a motherly nuzzle whilst continuing with her deadpan expression.


"Blast it all!..."
Spectre growled and stomped a hoof against the ground leaving the stonefloor cracked in all directions.

"Sir...perhaps...we should call in our losses....escape...try again later, we have eternity for that," Worry Wart said in a timid voice while the others looked on with uncertainty and guidance from their master.

"No! You hold your tongue!"
He ordered as Worry Wart did just that, literally. No, this had become personal, those wretched little ponies were going to pay dearly. "No. I will end them tonight and be rid of them for good."

"Bhut shir..we dhun't hlave enhoulgh figthers fhor thlat.." Worry Wart said holding his tongue.

"That's annoying, let go of your tongue. Anyways, I have all of you still don't I?"

"But...the rest of us...aren't remotely combat capable like the ones you sent in earlier."

"So? You're still vamponies, and my vamponies, you'll all fight for me even if it does cost you your second life. I gave you all that life and I will damn well do what I want with it."
He was filled with frustration and desperation, there was no reasoning with the anger filled vampony.

"But sir..."

"I order it."
================================================== ================


"Plot thickens?...I hope that's not a bad joke in there.."
She closed her eyes and brought her hoof to her mouth for a soft chuckle.

"Needle Alley?...."
Aubade questioned.



And so Ember and Lochbed went to find Big Bruce!