Aveline promptly arrives in her room, tucked away in the girl's wing of the dorms. It seems that the majority of her luggage had already arrived. The first thing she does upon closing the door is check that no piece of her armor has been lost in transit. Satisfied that this is not the case, she neatly packs it away with her hammer in her closet alongside several spare sets of clothing. Aveline sits on the unmade bed, staring into space. Her mind drifts back to the events of dinner. Who was that strange boy? Didn't he have any sense of personal space? The majority of the meal had been extremely awkward after that, not talking to anyone around her but staring down at her food. Aveline shrugs internally: she had come to the academy to learn, not make friends. She thinks about all the facilities listed on her new map, admiring the intricate artwork of the scroll.
Fergar would love all this... everything is done with a craftsman's touch. A pang of sadness hits the girl as she thinks back on her friend and master. She lies back on the bed for a time, fighting off tears before hardening herself and getting back up. It wouldn't do to dwell on this - hopefully she would see the dwarf again before too long. Instead, Aveline forces herself out of her room and heads towards the Classroom Halls. She had best familiarize herself with the campus before registering for classes, as was counseled.