[Northwestern Mountain]

It is at this point that a sound comes from beneath the snow, now at the bottom of the mountain.

"Detaching drop casing."

Then the area around the source of the sound practically explodes, launching metal slabs and snow everywhere. Whatever that thing's made of, it must be some tough stuff to take that drop.

But it's what comes after that that's really interesting. The same voice says, "Hazard drop test successful, let's not waste any more pods with FLIGHT-CAPABLE ARMOR..."

A man in what, to a more aware observer who actually knew what it was, would appear to be heavily modified Remnant/Irregular AT-01 power armor, leaps out afterward, landing on his feet. Its cape has been replaced by what looks like some sort of small, integrated backpack, it lacks either of the two organizations' paint schemes (it's more of a flat gray), the boots appear higher-tech than usual, and the whole suit looks a bit heavier than normal, between the AT-01 and Remnant's Sentinel Battlesuit.

"Everything seems to be in order..."

The unmarked soldier begins searching for a fight, drawing a rather large black sword from its sheath at his side, a pistol holster on his other side.