Quote Originally Posted by Arbitrarity View Post

My love of ponies is presently unsurpassed.

His S3 jungle will probably be kinda weak, if anything, but I agree that Spirit of the Lizard Elder+Rampage will be SO GOOD.

Iceborn Gauntlet and new Spirit Visage also look sick for him, though Iceborn Gauntlet vs Trinity Force is a bit of a tricky comparison. While he'll do less sustained autoattack damage with the Gauntlet, I suspect the CDR, armor, and more consistent slow are better. Depends on how you're doing, I guess.
There is no comparison, Iceborn Gauntlet is strictly better. Now I admit I REAAALLY dislike triforce rush on Pony, but the ability to just go glacial -> gauntlet is so much better then grabbing a triforce as a 4th through 6th item. This is assuming of course I don't end up still needing to grab frozen heart.

In other news, on a whim I took a harder look at varus, and can't help but wonder if he'd been a caster until the last few weeks of development. as an ap ratio on all four skills would turn him into a ASAP carry who wouldn't feel terrible for using his Q, instead of an AD carry who feels bad for using his skills at all during a teamfight. That said, +2% per 100 and a 1:1 ult makes me want to try ASAP Varus anyway.