Quote Originally Posted by Math_Mage View Post
More like that Udyr needed to be a Maokai. I guarantee you he was utterly useless past 25 minutes. More peeling for Cait would have freed her up to build damage instead of the GA.
It looks like that Udyr was building Black Cleaver. On Udyr. Bloodthirster is excusable if you're stomping as Udyr(tiger's AD ratio is really good), but he wasn't, and the jungle really doesn't support the gold to build a BFsword item on a jungler, especially after converting one of his Gp5s into an item. If he had gotten a Mallet instead of buying Cleaver parts or converting his HoG, he would've actually been able to peel for Caitlyn about as well as Maokai(depends on how you value better CDs over the immediacy of a gap-closer).