The emotion in the sorceress' behaviour is a bit too raw to be a fake, unless it's a very good one, and Audric seems to realise it even in his not completely rational state. He takes a step back and passes an hand over his eyes: it seems like he doesn't have the energy to argue anymore. "What do you want me to do?" He ask Jess, first, but then he turns around to include all the others in his question. He has started quietly, almost whispering, but his voice raise in volume again as he keeps talking "What do you ALL want me to do? We just killed a man. Do you expect me to leave him here on the street? Carry on doing whatever I thought I was doing before? "

He takes a deep breath, and brings his voice back under control "I shouldn't be talking with any of you.". The tone is almost surprised, almost a realisation. "I do not know what I believed to accomplish by embarking in this... but I was deluded, clearly. You all talk about me 'protecting the innocents'." He points to the other paladin's body. "This was a possibly innocent man that I didn't protect...and even if he was guilty, we had no right to be his executioners. Do you expect me to just walk away with you like nothing has happened?"