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Thread: D&D 5th Edition: Thread #7

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2012

    Default Re: D&D 5th Edition: Thread #7

    Quote Originally Posted by Yora View Post
    It's not. That's "fighters are free of restrictions" thinking.
    Wait, what?

    "I have no options I can use without permission" is not "free of restrictions." It's in and of itself restricted. It's like being trapped in a 10x10 room and saying, "but look at all the open floor I can walk to!"

    Compare to the Wizard, who not only has the same degree of improvisational freedom as the Fighter, but also has a workbook of spells that not only do things in and of themselves via player fiat, but can themselves be used for more improvisational freedom.

    Rules for more specific situations take away my options as a player to be creative. And that isn't just a realization made now looking backwards. AD&D 2nd Edition books are full with passages that spell it out that the lack of rules for some thing is not a bug but a feature.
    By this logic, you seem to be saying the Wizard, by having all these options laid out for him, has less opportunity for creativity than the Fighter does?

    Yep, that's D&D for you - poor, incompetent wizards, shackled to their generally useful and potent spell lists...

    Last edited by obryn; 2012-12-04 at 12:54 PM.