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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: MitD VI: The Undiscovered Creature (Please Read the First Post)

    Quote Originally Posted by Grey_Wolf_c View Post
    Thinking about a monster that already self-conceals, you don't pile a second concealment source on top of it. Worse, in the case of the Vemiurge, his concealment is a cloud of insects. Revolting, I'll grant you, but could it really be described as something not seen before? An unrecognisable 'IT'? How is it no-one pointed at it and said, "it's just an insect swarm!"?
    Would you say "it's just an insect swarm!" if you saw a crawling mass of bugs covering what looks like some weird monstrous scorpion thing? Wizard guys words do not indicate something that is completely indescribable, just something for which a clear definition doesn't easily springs to mind. Otherwise something like the dread linnorm is just a dragon with no wings.

    Also note that the guy is in shock, he might be able to give a more accurate description later on, but at that moment he is completely freaked out.

    Edit: I just realised we may be imagining this creature differently, when I read the description I don't see a big pile of insects just lying there completely obscuring what is underneath, I imagine that some parts of the scorpion thing are visible some of the time and the pile moving to adjust for the vermiurges subtle movements* so that you get some idea that there is something even more horrible underneath the already quite horrible sight of a mass of insects.

    *: I know he is supposed to be just standing there, but that doesn't mean he stands utterly still.
    Last edited by Silver Swift; 2012-12-05 at 10:20 AM.
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