It's ... a giant sheep!?

A ram actually, nearly the size of a full grown pony, it is a thuggish brute if you ever saw one. Traipsing about the woods as if it owned the place it looks up with a scowl (and is it just you, or is he pawing at the ground as if about to charge?) before a calming voice echoes through the trees.

"Bobo? Did you wander off again?"

Gliding through the trees and bushes with nary a trace, a young girl approaches the ram without any trace of fear as the lug becomes docile by her side. She looks cut out for the woods, with leather armor and a large shield over her back, but the druid has no visible weapons on her, it would seem. She notices the foursome as if for the first time and waves.

Oh hello... Ah, I say, could any of you direct me to the nearest town?"