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Thread: 14th Black Crusade - IC

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Jul 2011

    Default Re: 14th Black Crusade - IC

    THe return fire is less than effective as Nepyths ducks back into cover and purges the plasma vents on his cannon. THe reaper autocannon on Vul's arm begins to chew through the armourplas barricades before tearing the legs, arms and head off the poor guard behind as his frail human body cannot hold up to the tank destroying cannon rounds.

    The combi-bolter on Mortia's arm chewing up 3 of the troopers as they try to move from one point of the barricade to another. The toxic rounds ripping through flesh and bone as the men literally dissolve into semi-molten piles of ichor.

    Hell gun fire and bolt rounds sear back at the pair of terminators before a new figure leans around the corner - a great flare of psychic energy emanates out from an unseen psyker- a vast dome of glittering energy shielding the troops and ducked down troopers from harm.


    Hellgun at Vul(1d100)[38] TN 60
    -damage (1d10+4)[9] (1d10+4)[14] PEN 7

    * Hit 2 cause RF on your leg giving it the "lucky" hot guranteed 1 wound unless field saves you

    Hellgun at Mortia(1d100)[92] TN 60
    -damage (1d10+4)[7] (1d10+4)[12] PEN 7
    * Miss

    Hellgun at Vul (1d100)[13] TN 60
    -damage (1d10+4)[6] (1d10+4)[7] PEN 7
    * arm/body hits but fine

    Hellgun Horde at mortia (1d100)[18] TN 60
    -damage (2d10+4)[12] (2d10+4)[18] PEN 7

    * Even second shot is a leg hit and cover+AB+TB will soak it

    Hellgun Horde at Vul (1d100)[21] TN 60
    -damage (2d10+4)[15] (2d10+4)[22] PEN 7

    * Head shots! 22 PEN7 to the head may sting

    Heavy Bolter at Mortia/Vul/Mortia... (1d100)[30] TN 50
    -damage (2d10b1)[6] +8 PEN5
    -damage (2d10b1)[8] +8 PEN5
    -damage (2d10b1)[6] +8 PEN5
    -damage (2d10b1)[7] +8 PEN5

    * Brutal head shots! But no damage

    Sniper at Vul (1d100)[27] TN 77
    - damage (1d10+6)[7] PEN5 + accurate (2d10)[5][7](12) as needed

    * Body 19 damage PEN5

    - summons a shimmering Dome of Force! That does not cover the 5 guys at the 70m mark

    Even as the shimmering dome of force coalesces around the defenders the Reaver raise a ragged cheer as many more appear to be dying behind the distant barricades.
    Last edited by DrK; 2012-12-07 at 02:43 AM.
    Thanks to Emperor Ing for the nice Avatar