Sara listens quietly, adjusting her bedsheet carefully as she does so, then as Cymoril finishes, motions for her to enter. "Come in." She yawns again, pulling the door fully open and moving back across the small, but well furnished, living area to sit down on her bed. She motions Cymoril over to one of the chairs in the room, then turns away, reaching into a recess in the wall beside her. Her hands scrabble around for a few moments, then withdraw two pottery mugs. She hands one to Cymoril and indicates the pot of tea on the table beside the older girl.

"So," she says, as Cymoril pours, "you ran to the Vision Chamber and it decided to let you see." She smiles wanly. "I would say that to be a good thing in truth. The Chamber shut down about a week ago - before Silence hit the edge of our universe - and if it's back up it means that Amber feels safe, at least for now. So we've probably got a little more time than Amiya thought." She shrugs. "As to the vision itself...there is little I can likely give you except interpretation that you have probably worked out yourself." She wrinkles her nose, sipping delicately. "Although how they intend to bypass the barrier is beyond me."