[Planning Room]

"Don't break the computer," DC comments.

"Right, let's see." Hill turns it on and plugs in a flash drive. He takes a bit to figure out where everything is on the computer before getting it to do what he wants-after all, he doesn't actually know all the functions of this thing. It doesn't help that he's deliberately taking it slowly and carefully, so as to avoid accidentally breaking it.

"Does this even have a proj-oh, found it." He finishes eventually, though, and a projected map of the Hunting Grounds is displayed on the table. One of the perks of satellite access is that they can be used to make maps like that.

"You all familiar with this?"

"Yes. Everyone one of those regions is infested with monsters of varying types, many all too deadly. There's even a network of caverns under the mountainous region with creatures there as well. What interest would Vyrn of all people have in such a place?" DC seems skeptical.

"Well, let me just pull up an example..." Hill messes with the computer some more. The map fades, replaced by an image of a white, dragon-like creature with four pairs of legs. Its skeletal structure is visible in the image, like one of those pictures out of a biology textbook. "We discovered that that creature's bones are stronger than steel, to the point of being able to resist a power-armor augmented strike from one of your own designs-the superheated blades. I should know, I was the one who fought it."

"That doesn't answer-"

"I'm getting to it. Let the others ask any questions they wish first, though, we have talked long enough."