Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
Manamune gives you bonus mana on cast/attack, max once every three seconds.
Muramana drains 3% mana for twice that in magic damage on hit.

With hurricane/muramana, you drain 9% mana an attack.
Minor nitpick-esque question: Does it drain a proper 9% or does it drain 3% three times in instant sequence? Since this is current mana, the distinction will matter.


Also, Muramana LeBlanc. The AD reduces her dependance on skills to farm/harass, with Seraph the toggle provides the equivalent of 200 AP on her Q and 142 AP on her Q-Ult, and once she has Athene's she gets most of her mana back if the target dies. It seems legit, someone talk me out of it.