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Thread: 14th Black Crusade - IC

  1. - Top - End - #314
    Titan in the Playground
    DrK's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: 14th Black Crusade - IC

    The carnage intensifies as the reavers up their rate of fire, leaning over their barricades and loosing long streams of bullets and las fire at the opposing barricades.

    Even as that happens the acolytes move to strike, the massive autocannon rounds just missing on the elites pinned down behind the overturned tramcar and the combi bolter of the heretek being deflected by the gleaming Dome of Force protecting the bulk of the defenders.

    None of that mattered to the glowing ball of superheated plasma that left a gash in the deckplating and smoke rising from the remnants of the central part of the barricade...


    Sniper dead! Horde is now now bonus damage die, and no bonus to hit.

    The return fire is slackening heavily now as several defenders pull out of view. Barked orders you can't make out scattering some remaining ones. Even so the remaining defenders still lay down heavy and sustained las fire. As do the 5 guards still pinned by themselves by the tram.


    Guy 1
    Attack Vul (1d100)[37] TN60
    Damage (1d10+4)[4](8) (1d10+4)[4](8) PEN7

    Guy 2
    Attack Vul (1d100)[17] TN60
    Damage (1d10+4)[10](14) (1d10+4)[7](11) PEN7
    * Forcefield or lucky strike damage again

    Guy 3
    Attack Nepyths (1d100)[71] TN60
    Damage (1d10+4)[1](5) (1d10+4)[7](11) PEN7

    Guy 4
    Attack Mortia (1d100)[34] TN60
    Damage (1d10+4)[6](10) (1d10+4)[6](10) PEN7

    Guy 5
    Attack Mortia (1d100)[47] TN60
    Damage (1d10+4)[6](10) (1d10+4)[1](5) PEN7

    Attack Mortia (1d100)[22] TN60
    Damage (1d10+4)[8](12) (1d10+4)[3](7) PEN7

    Attack Vul (1d100)[74] TN60
    Damage (1d10+4)[4](8) (1d10+4)[4](8) PEN7
    Last edited by DrK; 2012-12-08 at 05:53 PM.
    Thanks to Emperor Ing for the nice Avatar