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Thread: 14th Black Crusade - IC

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: 14th Black Crusade - IC

    Qaeviir did not see the impact, but judging from the distant sound, it must have done quite some damage. It was not often "mundane" weaponry impressed, but that barely-contained plasma was quite a sight to behold.

    The return fire seemed to have subsided as well, nothing seemed to do much at all to the towering Astartes. Perhaps this is an opportune time to advance? The reavers were still cowardly and letting the Astartes do all the work they had failed to do themselves. They had little excuse to hide behind these beings now, with most of the enemies taken out. Not that the Magister expected them to do much good offensively, he mostly wanted some kind of shield or distraction for his own advancement.

    The features of his mimic mask subtly shifted as he observed the reavers all sculking behind cover. He spoke up, high enough to be sure the reavers all could hear him through the incoming and leaving weapons fire. "What will your captain do. If he finds out you were all hiding behind cover instead of advancing and breaking their position. Letting the guests of his ship handle it all? Would he reward you or would he punish you? I'm sure it's not the former." The words leaving his mouth were as subtle as one would expect when someone of the Lord of Lies threatened you. It was likely they did not even understand that it was an intimidation. As long as they were swayed, the Magister Immaterial did not care.

    Full Action: Untrained Intimidate test to convince the reavers to go on the offensive and advance (1d100)[36] vs 70 (60 - 20 + 20 + 10 [situational modifier for higher social status]), more if someone decides to assist.
    Last edited by watupwithdat; 2012-12-09 at 08:01 PM.