Adventure Park

"Those bushes look like they've been tended; they certainly don't grow in those shapes naturally. Lets got that way."


Because that is logic.

And not that this part of the Nexus is in a video game.

Random Park to Next To The Road

"I've been here too long for that to really scare me," Kate says simply. That seems like that's quite the claim... until they get to the road.

The street sign says that this is "The Road," in fact, after someone named Charles The Huutersmith who had an unfortunate middle name. Of course, he might miss that little informational plaque due to the activity on the road.

A landspeeder is parked by the side of the road, and a catbus zips past a frankentruck that appears to have been cobbled together from a half-tack and a bulldozer. A umber hulk walks out of a store, says good morning to some sort of skeletal undead, and then pulls a lawn flamingo out of it's sack and starts munching on it. A pair of turians walk past, discussing the finer points of their favorite sniper rifles, and a kobold with a jetpack takes off and flies away.

"Yeah, you get used to it eventually."