Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
Cool post. Though what do you mean no wonder they can't grow?
Path of the Warrior has rather alot of detail on the inside of Craftworld life. Well, Alaitoc life at least.

Umm... how do I put it? They appear to have no public education, the Eldar consider 40 years to be young and they have virtually no specialization, with Eldar hopping from one Path to another every two or three decades. My guess about apprenticeships being the standard way for educating new Eldar appears to be right on the mark, which indicates that they never have all that many students in the first place.

Furthermore, their use of ritual in... about everywhere, obscures the true reasons for things. I would not be surprised if much of the Eldar do not understand what they are doing and why they are doing it. They have meditations to calm the mind, but the main character has little idea of why it works and why he is so agitated. The Eldar say they carry the curse of Khaine, but what does that explain anyway?
They have this elaborate ritual for awakening the Avatar via blood sacrifice. Do they know why it works? Do they really understand the Warp the doubtless drives this?

Also, I know Alaitoc is big, but for goodness sake, it's still a spaceship! A ground battle on a spaceship?! Really? Not even a boarding action, just a... honest to goodness ground battle with trenches and artillery and heavy tanks. *argleblargh* *sputters* *dies*