THe hellfire rounds tear down another of the defenders even as the massive barking roar of the autocannon cuts loose tearing down parts of the barricade even as the scant few remaining men avoid the heavy firepower.

Most of the reavers pay no heed to the psyker - his presence quite and unassuming, even as he threatens them. Some however, those nearest to him begin calling for blades. The slow scraping and buzzing and mono- and chain weapons being readied being matched by an increase in the tempo of the fire being laid down - fire that is rewarded as one of the 5 troopers in front of the barricades sticks his head up too far and has his face torn to shreds by a burst of fire.

Even as that happens a lot of the fire is absorbed by the glimmering dome of force but you can hear orders being barked and the number of defenders slackening as some appear to be pulling back.

The 4 remaining defenders - or 2 of them at least by their small tram car have a stoic look on their face as they release aimed fire at the terminators hoping for a lucky hit against the hulking brutes.


Against Vul
(1d100)[11] TN 60
- damage (2d10)[4][7](11) as necessary - only 10's matters

Against Mortia
(1d100)[15] TN 60
- damage (2d10)[5][2](7) as necessary - only 10's matters

Even as the flickering red beams fade away the other 2 hurl heavy smoke grenades as thick heavy red and yellow smoke begins to fill the corridor some 10m in front of their little car.

Heavy smoke in the cramped corridor causes a -20 on attacks rolls and obscures sight