Quote Originally Posted by Arkhaic View Post
1) Me neither, I just didn't think there was precedent. Some alternate class features do that though.

2) That seems a bit feat taxy, but it might be a good way of restricting it. The level requirement should start at 5 at the very least. Might want to say that Mind Blank also cancels it out.

3) Yeah. There's already a single feat that does this to the rest of them, and they usually require more expenditure of resources to obtain than a general feat.

4) Not really. Maybe a skill-based pseudo-mindsight would work? (Mindsight checks to notice minds, higher intelligence lowers DC, opposed by a mental defense skill check?)

5) I actually like the sense link better. The idea for the original MEME was that it pulled parts of sensory data from all the other Fossen in the area and granted bonuses accordingly. This still does that, but now you can make spot and listen checks as all the foss...wait a minute, that doesn't work. Maybe if the concentration was removed...
2) I don't think its really feat taxy. Its a less effective version of a power, than a more effective version of the same power.

4) I'm not certain I follow. Are you talking about mindlink, as I was, or sense link?

5) Ah, I viewed it as the hivemind was helping to process the sensory data of each individual, giving them effectively better perception. The same way the hivemind works to increase the intelligence and wisdom of Fossen.