Quote Originally Posted by ThirdEmperor View Post
The Gutted Fish

Oh, stuff it. We agreed to advise, the payment for which has not been delivered. We agreed to possibly assist in an assault on the Magcave, in exchange for weapons. The soldier behind Enshadu's got his gun trained on him now, trying to line up a shot on one of his unarmored parts. We at no point agreed to give a cloning machine and make no mistake, we will not be doing so at any point in the future. Now, you can put a hold on your idiocy and listen to what we have to say, you can give us the weapons and let us take care of Magtok, or you can continue to threaten and lose the one alliance, however tenous, you have any hope of securing. Please do feel free to take the last option. I for one would be more than happy not to do business with you.
Enshadu obviously seems to be losing his patience. He growls and clacks his clawed metal fingers. All of Enshadu is metal, the only parts of him not metal happen to be his upper chest and his head, his upper chest shielded by layers of surgically implanted plates of elementium. His head, covered by the mask/respirator system. I will give you the weapons, but, I want to assist in the siege. I want to kill Magtok just as much as you do! I give you the weapons, we attack Magtok. Deal?