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Thread: 14th Black Crusade - IC

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: 14th Black Crusade - IC

    The Magister was a little intruiged now that they could advance towards the bridge, curious about what kind of psychic powers the imperials were able to bear. He had heard of "radical" Inquisitors, those flirting with more chaos-aligned methods and powers. If this was one of those, perhaps it would be easier to have it be useful to the Great Conspirator -- though he doubted that'd be possible with the bloodthirsty companions he now kept. They all seemed to want the Inquisitor's head on a spike. The best method then was assumably to claim it for himself somehow, before someone else could.

    As he walked forward, at a rather slow pace due to the hulking terminators, he tried to detect the positions of the imperial psykers and any active psychic signatures as to be better prepared for some sort of ambush. It was not an impossibility as they have had time to prepare the area for such things.

    Psyniscience: (1d100)[24] vs 55
    Last edited by watupwithdat; 2012-12-11 at 01:56 PM.