Southwestern Equestria- Underground Facility 5:31 PM

Maul Steel slowly nods his head at the guard, still cringing in fear as he explains "Well.... Yeah. I'm knifeless, gunless, spearless, toothless, and like my ol' boss used to say "spineless gutless piece of sh**".... If... If your going to hit me, please don't hit me in the face. I like my face and I need that for Foxfire.... Here... You can try and kick in my knee, b-b-boss did that whenever he got really mad or bored...." He extends a hind leg and reveals his lower left knee cap for full view. Nice and exposed for kicking.

[TAG Benson]

Edge of Wild Rabbit Woods

Ducard harumhs as he hears the teleportation "Going to get themselves killed, fools......" He proceeds to continue walking down the path of life alone towards the SR base, trying to tune into any Steel Ranger radio he can so that he can request an immedieate escort (Stating his name rank and title whenever applicable).


Lamianos eventually begins to get dreary eyed, bored of not being able to do anything constructive. Yawning he pushes himself up, extends his bat wings, and begins to flap them as he starts heading towards town to strike up that dame's offer on trying to break his face in (How could he say no?). Oblivious to the potential bomb arsenal not too far away.

[TAG Drowlord]