
"Wha-?" Isabelle is grabbed, and carried.


Can't say she expected that.

"Um, I don't mean to poke a hole in your excuse, but creepy plant-ladies, really aren't my type. If you tell people that we've been curtaining, they might ask me about it and I don't think I could tell a convincing lie about it." Her voice sounds vaguely...jittery. Like she's trying not to freak out about the vine wrapped around her.

Cedric attempts to scurry up to Shayan's shoulder, since there's a sudden lack of good spots to sit on Isabelle.



Wallace has reached Isabelle's room and obtained a spare pair of pants. He's now heading back. Odds are he'll bump into the ladies going the other way pretty soon.


[Main Room]

Itchy fur. The ferret scratches itself, then bats at its tail and runs round in a circle for a moment.


Weird green stuff near the floor. Smells bad.

The ferret makes some more ferret-y noises at Thernardier, then proceeds to try and scamper up onto his head and away from the icky green mist of doom.