Magtok's Office

The hellfire hits the door and sputters angrily against a soft energy barrier. The door groans and flexes then snaps back ridged, throwing the hellfire out into the corridor. The Door snarls and sprouts a pair of long fleshy arms with huge serrated claws and swipes at Cyrus.


The echoy voice returns.

Okay, this is my bad. I might have accidentally summoned something a little angry. Don't pay it any mind. I'm sure it won't kill anyone too badly. Oh, and poison gas.

Main room

The sound of thumping galloping comes from a hallway off of the main room. It grows louder and louder until the beast responsible comes into view.

It looks like you took a particularly muscular bear and turned it inside out. Then added some more muscles. Then added bigger claws. And saber teeth. And razor spins down its back. Okay, it doesn't look that much like a bear, but its about that size. Anyways, it howls and beats its front feet against the floor and sizes up the people in the room. Particularly a tasty looking ferret and a confused looking non-ferret.