Quote Originally Posted by Gnrlshrimp View Post

[Main Room]

Itchy fur. The ferret scratches itself, then bats at its tail and runs round in a circle for a moment.


Weird green stuff near the floor. Smells bad.

The ferret makes some more ferret-y noises at Thernardier, then proceeds to try and scamper up onto his head and away from the icky green mist of doom.

Thenardier does not hide away from the poisonous gas. He's undead, more specifically, an aquatic undead. His vorpal blade begins to glow red, and lightning begins to blast off of it, however, it's just there to look cool for now. The blade glows red. He sees the inside-out bear. ((Seems like something from John Carpenter's The Thing )) He let's the ferret scurry up, and takes out in his left hand, a large gold and copper pistol. Let's figh' then beastie.

Quote Originally Posted by Jacklu View Post
Main room

The sound of thumping galloping comes from a hallway off of the main room. It grows louder and louder until the beast responsible comes into view.

It looks like you took a particularly muscular bear and turned it inside out. Then added some more muscles. Then added bigger claws. And saber teeth. And razor spins down its back. Okay, it doesn't look that much like a bear, but its about that size. Anyways, it howls and beats its front feet against the floor and sizes up the people in the room. Particularly a tasty looking ferret and a confused looking non-ferret.
Thenardier growls at the thing now, his vorpal blade and magical pistol out. He's fought things like this before, due to living in The Hunting Grounds for a while, once serving in the special service militia in Cylar, (before it was blown to the dust by PC's. ), and from a good thirty years of adventuring. He aims his pistol first, preparing the vorpal blade. AS it sizes up the ferret on his head, and the undead Inspector himself, the vorpal blade begins to glow, causing any undead in the room to become obedient unless they're particularly powerful undead. ((Up to Jacklu!))

He fires the golden pistol as Zefir launches a rocket. Thenardier glares at Zefir, he remembered him from...somewhere...he was sure! But right now, bear-thingy. The gold pistol will launch a small black bullet, but as soon as it enters the beast (If it does), it will explode and unleash a horrible necrotic bone rot, which turns bones into saltwater. Die... Thenardier will start walking toward the beast, his wooden leg clunking.