[Meeting Place]

Irena will first see an old man standing behind the counter near the door. His hair has long since went grey, though it must have been very light to begin with, and there are more than a few wrinkles marking his skin. He's not helping anyone at the moment, but rather arranging the candy bar display.

Standing over by the coolers is a young girl, no older than ten. She's a scrawny little thing and has a short bob of blond hair. As Irena looks at her, she hefts one of several milk jugs off the floor and puts them in the cooler.

Lastly, there is an elderly couple poking around the shelves and putting a few items into a small cart. Looks like they're picking up a few groceries.

When the man at the counter notices the witch, he adjusts his glasses and greets her with a smile. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

[Suncrest Manor]

Nadia leads the two men inside and to the dining room. "So, can I get you anything?" She offers.

"That's fine." Macario says. "So this is all... Irena's? That was her name, right?" He gestures vaguely at the house around them.

"...Yes." Nadia answers hesitantly.

"So what are you two, some kind of item?"

Nadia purses her lips. "She's my fiancée."

Macario is obviously surprised to hear that, and even Renato looks at her suddenly, although his expression is impossible to read behind his helmet. "And the baby?"

"It's complicated, and I wouldn't want to talk to you about it anyway." Nadia curls her arms around her stomach.

"I can't say I like the idea of a child being raised in an environment like this. What kind of ideas would they get?"

Nadia winces, as if she'd been struck physically. "Who asked you anyway?"

The vampire snorts. "No one, I suppose."

"Just... just do your job." Nadia stalks out of the room before he can say another word. She leans against the wall in the next room. "Leave me alone."

[Suncrest Manor - Some Other Time]

"Tortillas." Nadia corrects. "And that sounds great. I think we need cheese, hamburger, tomatoes, lettuce maybe, I've only had them, like, once before. And I never made them either. They look pretty easy, though."


Valente shakes his head. "I really don't know the exact cause, just how it happened." He says.