Main room

The first rocket hit the beast and staggers it. The second hits and blows it wide open. The beast wheezes than stitches itself back together. It faces Zefir and howls angrily. And then it starts getting shot by Thenardier. It turns back toward Thenardier and lunges at him, attempting to knock over and pin him to the ground.

The remaining undead in the room resist his attempts to dominate them. Their summoner has a strong hold on the beasties, it seems.

Magtok's office

Jack encounters a terrifyingly powerful dimensional ward and is shunted to the corridor where Cyrus is fighting the door.

Cyrus's blightning hits the door and the entire hallways spasms and shrieks. The arms lash out randomly at anything they can reach, including Jack Empty.

A splattering hole appears in the door's flesh, revealing the wood of the actual door beneath. A well placed strike should finish the job.

Corridors- Nephrim

The Fallen Angel finds an adorable little teddy bear sitting in front of their room door, mewling softly and crying. D'awww.