Navigating the crowd with ease, Rahja examines the assembled crowd attentively, curiously, never having seen such diversity in one place. She had hoped to see Shelyn or Hanali here, perhaps Sarenrae, but they are most likely preoccupied with other important issues. Still, she cannot help but notice that no god of neutrality is present, and neither are gods from other pantheons. Regardless, being in the presence of gods is a rare occasion and Rahja simply lets the tapestry of impressions flow through her. She shows a small, courteous bow as the gods' gazes pass her, a simple greeting, nothing more, nothing less.

Almost absentmindedly, Rahja summons a lute as white as ivory to hand and quietly begins to play as she moves among the ranks of people present, meeting many good or adventurous souls, reciprocating kindness where it is shown to her. Yet, she simply seeks to pass the time and calm the soul, the healer seeming more withdrawn than usual.

Should it matter, take 10 on perform for 157.