Usabhar gives nothing more than a passing glance to Asmodeus as he moves up the steps to the gods. He listens to the god Heironeous on the situation. Unsurprisingly to the dwarf, the gods have no apparent idea on the situation as well. He lets Rahja voice her opinions instead of mentioning his ideas first. Once done, Usabhar speaks up as well. "For what I know, there is little anyone does know about these creatures and cracks, he says to Rahja before looking to the gods. "Whoever that has control is using our lack of knowledge to their advantage. Whether this is 'natural' or not, we have fought back before. However we cannot simply keep doing that when we know not of their numbers. We must do more than learn, we must take action and place pressure on our enemies before they bring another offense against us." Usabhar folds his arms as he finishes, doubting he may get his point across but forces the attempt anyway.

Nasiri makes a quiet sigh as she see Korshim continue to flip out. It was going to take more than simple words to make him understand; a machine does not act the way he is right now. "So you are worried," she says quietly, a solemn and pitiful look is made. "Korshim, I think you are downplaying yourself. Please let me ask you something; do machines worry? Here's another question, have you ever tried giving yourself another function? You did say you are capable of learning after all."