
No worries. My plans do get convoluted and complicated. Where someone could do things simply I overcomplicate them sometimes to fit Ishmaels weird honor code.

Basically if you recall I had asked that we create a trap for the blue goblins by employing an anti-magic field and some form of dimensional anchor and bringing their comrade out of the extra dimensional space so they can sense him and try to rescue him.

The anti-magic would be needed cause without it I cant hope to fight 5 of those blue guys consious... so the Shadow Spider agreed to help me with the manpower and also to set up the anti-magic thing but he asked for a soul to be sacrificed so that their demon can provide those abilities for us...

Thing is Ishmael wouldnt just go up on the street and get a random guy to be sacrificed but he wanted someone crooked with a dark past... hence I went to find a nasty prisoner... and in the process I found the rapist guard instead which fits Ishmaels concept of what constitutes a vile criminal...

And for the detailed reference:


Interesting. I guess he prefers a quick way to power as opposed to a safe one then...