
The Naga doesn’t turn. “I don’t have one.” They enter a wide room, warm air drafting through as she opens a hidden hatch with a wave of her hand, and pulls out a long white garment for him to wear.

Lord Vain will speak with you presently.” She murmurs, sliding out of the room.


She raises an eyebrow as well. “If I wanted one less competitor, I’d just kill you.”

And you’re not very good at listening, huh. I didn’t choose Chaos at random, it chose me, and I accepted the call. I like this.” She gestures at the horde of undead around her.

And Hajime is the little twerp who got blasted by lightning in the Plaza a few days ago. He’s been running around, doing his own thing. You’d like him, I’d bet, you’re both stupid-idealistic.”


Artaxerxes stares at John for a long minute. “You’re a fool.” His wings unfurl and beat angrily in the wind. “Hostage situation? Are you mad? Do you think those thralls of chaos have any interest in negotiating?!” The sphinxes begin to growl. “Incursion teams?! There are hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of enemy combatants within those walls, and you think small groups of soldiers will remove them?!” The sky thunders.

You’re being foolish, John Adams. The last time mere men went within that city, they turned on each other like animals, brought low by the power of madness. Lord Vain will be providing more warriors such as myself, sphinxes, and eagles for this fight, for mere mortal men cannot prevail in this fight.

He glares at the lieutenant, then at John, before stalking off and taking flight over the river.

Eagleaus gives a small screeching cough. “Scythe-Warriors are not known for patience.”

The Lieutenant looks at John uncomfortably. “The tanks will be here soon, then you can get your fire teams onto choppers and into the city.”