"The... sacrifice has been brought in." he says calmly.

"Now... you mentioned you will try to run this so I dont appear involved. The idea is simple, allow them to spirit glimpse their comrade and think he is still alive, let them come to us and then spring the trap using antimagic and dimensional anchor to stop them from leaving. I expect it might be more complicated than this though... I understand these blue goblins are special and will most likely come on their own but I do not know that for a fact, perhaps their 'brotherhood' operates alone. I also do not have a suitable enough space to do something like this... I was thinking we could employ one of the old Jacks facilities that you had raided. It fits the concept that he was captured by someone else and is far from the sewers to avoid direct suspicion...

Still you are much more wise and adept at strategy than myself so I would like to hear what you think will make this work..." he says.