Yes, it's not like internet providers block non-essential services, like that one Vapor game thingy-and-are-you-sure-you're-using-legit-stuff-asked-concerned-troubleshooter, nor like they can drastically dial down your download speed if you try to download a game in one sitting, you non-DVD using pirate, you.

Of course having access to basic HTML forum, (something that in big chunk of the EU is completely free of charge) implies perfect, 100% access to high quality net and suggesting anyone could have problems with downloading or running these intrusive, 100% online DRM systems is completely wrong, am I rite?

For the record, at one provider I couldn't use Steam for a year at all, despite perfect 10 mb/s line, just because Valve's DRM paranoia and running of certain service on one and only one port meant I wasn't able to download one kilobyte from games I owned, nor run these I downloaded elsewhere, but hey, Internet is just Internet, right?