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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Balmas's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Middle-o'-Nowhere, Idaho

    Default Re: [MLP] Roleplaying is Magic IC: The Broken Road.

    Dive Bomb regarded the departing griffon coolly, and smirked gently. Even he, as socially blind as he could be, could tell that she truly cared for her charge.

    His hoof hovered over one of the large tablecloths, but he hesitated. It would be selfish to hog a larger tent all to himself, but it would be nightmarish to be sleeping inside a tent crafted from what amounted to a cloak. He grimaced, looking between the sun cloaks and the larger tablecloths, the indecision plain on his face.

    Eventually, the desire to be able to sleep outweighed the desire to be socially correct; he mouthed one of the larger tablecloths, some rope, and headed towards the rock. As he worked, he appreciated the chill of the stone against his fur; it was a new sensation, if not one that he'd permanently go groundside to have.

    (5 Mind + 3 Body)/2 +1 = +5


    Oh, that was just heaven; a nice big rock closing off one end of the tent, its mass sapping the heat from the air, combined with the thick tablecloth blocking most of the heat of the rising sun. What's more, he'd faced it away from the sunrise, so he wouldn't be woken until the sun started to set. Dive Bomb sighed, satisfied with the gentle rebound in the taut cloth of the tent. He poked his head out, satisfied that the brown colt wasn't completely incompetent, if the decent tent he'd made was any evidence. It was a little small, but... Not thinking about that. Think about something else. Think about blue skies--nice, open clear skies.

    Oh, and breathe. Breathing is good too.

    He sighed, withdrawing back under cover, allowing a content smile to spread across his face. Now, to work! The blue scarf and its precious contents dropped to the sand; he sighed, looking at the quadrangle of happy faces on the paper, before tucking it carefully back in the scarf.

    Now, the crystal, that was interesting. He pursed his lips as he turned it over, admiring the play of the dim light off its crude facets. It didn't seem to be any stone he recognized, though since he wasn't a geologist perhaps he shouldn't have been surprised. It seemed disrespectful to engage in destructive testing; besides, he didn't have the right equipment for it. So, it was green, and... crystal. Big help.
    Last edited by Balmas; 2012-12-24 at 07:02 AM.
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