Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
@Kyeudo: hahaha, lolno.

A Solar could Exalt from a noble family in the middle of a luxurious mansion lifestyle whilst being given the best in a classical education.

A Dragon-Blooded can Exalted from the thinnest of blood in the backalleys of the most distant places in Creation.

A Solar is about competence, no matter wherever it comes from, and a Dragon-Blooded is about having the blood-wherever it comes from. whether your noble or common man matters for nothing.
Nooo, Solars are about expression of Virtue. Their charms help them reach greater heights through sheer skill (and sometimes blast things with sunlight). They exalt, however, from expressing that which is the other aspect of the Unconquered Sun. Conviction for being unwilling to fall, Valor for facing overwhelming odds, Compassion for trying to save a loved one, Temperance for... keeping your cool in stressful negotiations? Nobody exalts as a Solar by doing everyday training.