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    Ettin in the Playground
    BlasTech's Avatar

    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: [MLP] Roleplaying is Magic IC: The Broken Road.

    "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" Iggy said, giving Grease a hug before ducking in to check out his new real estate.

    With the sun inching its way ever higher into the sky, the ponies were quickly coming to grips with the twin demands of sleep and hunger. The former was by far the most pressing, especially with all the walking of the night before. However, despite the snack from earlier, it didn't really compensate for the fact that they'd skipped the midnight version of lunch in their desire to keep pace with the rock monster.

    [Happy to do whatever you guys feel like, just let me know here or in the OOC when to wrap up this day. You can snack in your tents and turn in or set up a proper meal now or something else, I'll just facilitate.]