Dive Bomb paused, and looked back at the colt. He must have been really tired; what other possible explanation was there for Cork having thought of that first? He munched the last of his apple and came back, pulling out his notebook. Perhaps it was merely exhaustion setting in, but Cork was beginning to make sense.

"We must keep in mind that this may not be accurate, since it was effectively working from our memories," he began. "However, it seemed to be a small, rock-farming community." He paused, turning over the idea of petriculture in his mind before continuing. "Several different kinds of pony, though we didn't see any of them using their abilities. Perhaps a cultural stigma? Perhaps just the nature of memories. They were close enough to griffon lands for a griffon to pass here more than once, so they were perhaps north of Equestria?" He thought a bit, then added, "Then again, the fact that Vereia was a wanderer means that any conjecture based off her race means little."

He paused, jotting down his thoughts in his notebook. "Decorations seemed simple, but not spartan."