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    Ettin in the Playground
    BlasTech's Avatar

    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: [MLP] Roleplaying is Magic IC: The Broken Road.

    Iggy leaped into the task with his usual enthusiasm, more than happy to repay the help he'd received in getting his tent set up.

    Rinda, however, was not as enthusiastic.

    "I'm. Trying. To. Sleep!" She called back from inside her tent.

    [DC 10 heart check to implore her to come out now, -2 penalty due to tired gryphoness.]

    Iggy, meanwhile, launched into a recount of his arrival in Riverside; noting how he'd gotten over his initial surprise by immediately assuming he was dreaming - an assumption that was, oddly enough, borne out by what had happened later.

    He'd spoken to Amelias in length about the issue of petriculture, he'd found her to be a really nice lady, if a little bit odd for hoof-washing everything despite having a perfectly functional horn on her head. Or, he'd assumed it had been functional. Maybe it wasn't. And that just made him sad. Almost as sad as he'd felt when he realised that he'd have to leave the nice imaginary lady behind when he woke up.

    He babbled on past the point where the party had joined him, and would continue to do so until stopped; harping on about everything, large or small. From the strangeness of Kahlin's coat pattern to the stiching on Vereia's medicine bag (It had a nice a nice home-y hoofcraft look to it).