Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
Meanwhile, Gail Simone recently got fired for not agreeing to do something stupid in her book. Fun fun sense make comic book companies.
And was immiediatelly rehired after Internet uproar.
I almost see it as an average episode of Jetsons with Dan Didio playing Mr. Spaycey and Gail Simone playing George Jetson.

"SIMONE! YOUR'E FIRED! Wait, what is this? Internet is mad at me again? What should I do? What should I do? SIMONE! SAVE ME!"

EDIT: No. Making a deal with the devil is not responsible, even in the situation you describe. He's SATAN. I don't care what your belief system is, if a red guy with horns, a spade tail, cloven hooves, a pitchfork, and firey burning hair says "I'll revive your loved one and set right what once went wrong but all you have to do is sell your soul/marriage to me, because I want to taste it's suffering" you SAY NO.

Being responsible is also knowing what is and isn't the right choice. Selling A COUCH to the devil is a bad idea. Imagine how bad selling your SOUL to the Devil is.
It's bad idea for you. But if you are trying to save another person and are desperate enough to spend eternity in hell for her, who say that's not admirable choice?

Also, I apparently need to point that out, I'm the guy who doesn't belive in objective good and objective evil.