Grease thought carefully about what she had seen while she was there. She hadn't really been paying specific attention to their surroundings, really, and Igneous seemed to have a more thorough account of the place.

"I don't think I have anything else to add," she said. "So I'm going to bed. Try to get as much sleep as you can. And sleep well!"

As she returned to the makeshift tent, she found herself reconsidering whether to talk to Soot again. On one hoof, she did have questions for the younger mare, and privacy was clearly going to be a rare commodity on this journey. But on the other, she was tired. This conversation would take time away from sleeping. What's more, she had a feeling that it would stir up uncomfortable feelings in one or both of them.

She laid down on the rock, yawning. She was so tired, the rock may as well have been a sofa. As this thought crossed her mind, she decided to leave the questioning off for the time being. By all appearances, they would have all too much time to learn more about each other. Now, it was time to sleep.