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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Where I am.

    Default Re: [Nexus] Mithar Keep II: Electric Boobaloo

    Another instance of Cessie's Lab

    "I can tell really clear most everything in this room, but I can't get past your wards. That means that instead of simply having magically enhanced senses, the senses themselves are magical, in contrast to the result of the flesh of the apple where my senses were magically enhanced." Kirin floats back to the floor, but doesn't quite touch it. Her feet refuse to be within about an inch of it. "As for what I can do, I'm pretty sure that I can do anything, a lot like Harnel could, it just varies how much energy it takes. While Harnel, due to the magical nature of the draconic energy in him," she taps her torso about where Harnel's dragon organ is, "could naturally alter fire and heat with immense ease, I would have more trouble with that."

    Kirin looks over at some of Cessie's vials and begins to examine them curiously. "Also interesting is the alteration in personality. Whereas before I lost most of my respect for authority and felt no need to pay attention to others except in self-interest, this time I've gained an urge to help others. Still lost my respect for authority, though. I'm only cooperating with you because we're friends, and I feel talkative anyway."

    Oh. Okay. Nice of you to warn them, Kirin.
    Last edited by Lost_Deep; 2012-12-29 at 11:26 AM.