Quote Originally Posted by Pokonic View Post
How do the ranks of evil planar beings stack up against those of good? As in, how many planar races associated with the "nasty" planes have rough counterparts, but there varied nature always made it seem like there were more "species" associated with the evil planes then the good.
Roughly, there's three big classes of good planar beings (lawful archons, neutral guardinals and chaotic eladrin) and three big classe of evil planar beings (lawful baatezu, neutral Yugoloth and chaotic Tanar'ri). So far, that's balanced, except wizards has published far more fiends than celestials.

Then there's various minor fiends and celestials of all kinds. I'd say that overall, good has a bit of an edge, as it has another major class, the angels. The only thing evil has to compare to that are the Gehreleth, and they are a bit anemic compared to the likes of Planetars and Solars.