The harsher and more difficult things are, the happier the Kroot will be. They believe that adversity makes them stronger and their entire culture revolves around personal growth. If you're deadly enough to wipe out a whole squad of skilled Kroot Carnivores in a fair fight, the only thing you'll get from their Kindred is respect. There's a roughly even chance that you'd have Kroot coming to hunt you as a test of skill, just as they would any other deadly apex predator, or showing up in small groups looking to work for you to learn what makes your character so good. Either way, they're going to want to eat your corpse when you die. That's about it. Kroot are overall pretty easy-going when it comes to battle, or at least the results of it, and they don't really hold vendettas (except against the Orks, who they're still a little mad at for nearly wiping out the Kroot race).