Quote Originally Posted by Deadline View Post
I've got a couple for you:

1. What can you tell me about the Baernaloths? (Baernoloths?)
The baernaloths are considered to be the progenitors of the yugoloths, an elder race of exemplars of an older order that has largely been supplanted by the current planar races. Yugoloths claim that the baernaloths are the original manifestations of pure evil, and scholars believe that they have counterparts of law, good, chaos and balance. The baernaloths are said to have crafted the yugoloths as an expression of purest evil, to become their successors.

Such myths claim that the ancient baatorians and obyriths are no more than byproducts of a refining process, castoffs of the baernaloths' true vision of evil. It is known that the gehreleths are creations of a rogue baernaloth named Apomps, who was exiled for his arrogance and resides deep within Carceri.

Baernaloths do exist; they are few in number, but even in their shriveled and reduced state they remain active as shadowy forces of evil. Unlike their creations, the baernaloths by and large remained in Hades. Many of their number grow mad and throw themselves into the Blood War as crazed commanders. A group called The Demented are said to be shadowy puppetmasters advising the highest echelons of yugoloth society.

2. Who do you think the Prisoner of Elysium is?
Oh well, that would be telling!

I'll give you some ideas as to who it isn't, though:

• It's not a baatezu, or any Archduke of Hell/Lord of the Nine.

• It's not a monster of legend.

• It's not a tanar'ri, or any Demon Prince/Demon Lord.

• It's not from the Far Realm.

• It's not from the Inner Planes.

• It's not a god.

• Most of the forces of evil trying to seek it out haven't any idea what it is.