@Galloglaich: That is very true. Still, I imagine there are some advantage you could gain, from high levels of strength. For example, being able to wear heavier armour without it exhausting you and weighing you down to ponderous movements.

Galloglaich, would you have any expertise on how large a sword can be, before the leverage and weight would make it impossible to wield effectively, even with unnatural strength? Someone who has handled many swords like yourself seems the best person to ask.

@Brother Oni: You make a very valid point. Humans are already capable of exerting so much strength that they damage their bodies, so it would be even more so with unnatural strength, if not matched by amazing resilience.

Berserk: Speaking of that, they released a movie focusing on the human-fighting part of Guts' life. The interesting part, is the director stated they were using real techniques from European medieval martial arts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEgcHdTb8t4
The reason for this, is they expect Western audiences to cringe if they see obviously fake depictions of medieval European sword fighting and the like... sometimes ignorance reaps beautiful benefits.