Quote Originally Posted by warty goblin View Post
and, embarrassingly, this. Actually the expansion, because I've already played the base game. My shame knows no bounds.
Details? Is it any good? What's the approximate sort of play-time, since it's a full priced game? I mean, there's so few games I'm bothered about at all floating around at the moment, I'm prepared to have a good gander at almost anything in a genera I tolerate.

From the sound of it, it doesn't seem anything worse than, say Witcher 1's "collect all the nekkid ladies" (or Witcher 2's nudity) And, while not a huge fan of naked people in any context generally, it doesn't bother me that much and having naked people at (semi-appropriate?) junctures can't be any worse than Dragon Age's lack thereof, when really should have had it, if only so it didn't look quite so silly...!

(The "how-stupid-it-is-that mega-violence-is-okay-to-show but-sex-isn't - even if that is the way round I personally prefer it" rant is for another day!)