Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
Details? Is it any good? What's the approximate sort of play-time, since it's a full priced game? I mean, there's so few games I'm bothered about at all floating around at the moment, I'm prepared to have a good gander at almost anything in a genera I tolerate.
Playtime I think is twenty, maybe thirty hours. I ended up taking a break in the middle, so I'm not completely sure.

The combat is a fairly simple pseudo-positional sort of deal. Basically you've got six spots for characters, three in front, three in back. Ditto for the enemy. Melee characters can only hit the row directly in front of them (but any column within that row), ranged can nail anybody. Attacking bumps you down the initiative order, with more powerful attacks knocking you farther down. Most fights tend to take a couple minutes, tops. On standard difficulty I think I only lost one or two battles. You can skip random encounters at will, too, which only costs you the loot and experience. Story fights are mandatory.

The story is a fairly traditional bit of genre fluff. It's got a bit more of a swords and sorcery feel to it than most high fantasy, but there's not really anything here you haven't seen before. It's main virtue is that it's quite aware its an action driven puffball of a story, and keeps moving at a steady clip. Play for half an hour, the main plot will be advanced, and you won't spend time collecting fifteen Snargle tails or making deliveries for the strangely immobile population. The characters are solid sorts of archtype, with about as much dimensionality as the artwork, but are mostly fun nevertheless. And there's enough of them you can safely ignore the ones that bore you. I for instance found the boyish wizard with self-confidence issues a complete wet blanket, and so paid him no attention. The bashful dwarves trying to get it on were great. I rather liked the ending as well, it makes the most of the simple combat system and plot-driven story to ramp up for a nice final battle, a solid last choice, and a good epilogue.

From the sound of it, it doesn't seem anything worse than, say Witcher 1's "collect all the nekkid ladies" (or Witcher 2's nudity) And, while not a huge fan of naked people in any context generally, it doesn't bother me that much and having naked people at (semi-appropriate?) junctures can't be any worse than Dragon Age's lack thereof, when really should have had it, if only so it didn't look quite so silly...!
So pretty much all the character designs are fanservice so far as I can tell, albeit in a completley PG-13 sorta way. The actual sex scene, at least the one I saw on my first playthrough, was way more mild than the Witcher. Plus everything is hand drawn and so avoids the creepy dead-eyed robots rubbing spark plugs syndrome that characterizes most RPG sex.

There's also an option for slightly less revealing outfits and an even faster fade-to-black when it comes to loving, but it's still pretty much constant fanservice. Personally I say just go for it, at it's most hardcore there's nothing more explicit than some obscured nipples.